Industry 4.0 and your workers - are you ready for it?


Industry 4.0 and Your Workers

Ready or not, we are now deep into the beginning of the 4th Industrial Revolution, often referred to as Industry 4.0, or 4IR. On the heals of the recent World Economic Forum, Charlotte Edmond, Senior Writer for Forum Agenda, provides the following definition of Industry 4.0




"The Fourth Industrial Revolution, Industry 4.0, or 4IR as it is variously called, is the next phase in manufacturing. It will be characterized by smart technologies and automation, which allow manufacturers to produce goods more efficiently, quickly, cheaply and/or sustainably. It will be a step-change in the digital technologies and early automation the industry has increasingly leant on from the latter half of the 20th century to the early part of this one. It will see data insights and machine learning increasingly adopted into processes, creating smart systems that get smarter the more data they gather.



The ‘cyber-physical’ space will grow – computers and systems will increasingly be connected and able to make decisions without human involvement. And human-machine interaction will change, with workers increasingly being assisted by or having their abilities expanded by technologies like virtual and augmented reality."




As you may imagine, the "shop floor" workers have concerns about how these new, disruptive technologies will impact them. Jobs and their tasks will, in many cases, change radically, requiring upskilling and reskilling of the workforce.

Their report states, "To help inform the debate around how these technologies can be adopted in a human-centric, sustainable and effective way, The World Economic Forum and the University of Cambridge spoke to frontline workers from across the US, Europe and Asia." Here are the results of their survey.




1. Communicate the benefits and explain the why.

2. Explain the decision making process.

3. Make the bigger picture clear to the end users of the technology.

4. Help workers to explore and become confident with the technologies.

5. Include workers in the exchange of ideas.

6. Ensure the pilot group is diverse.

7. Involve workers in risk assessment.

8. Communicate exceptions.

9. Balance the business's local and global needs



1. Make timelines clear early on.

2. Cater for diversity.

3. Develop the role of "super user" or "technology champion".

4. Think contingency.

5. Ensure that effective support is readily accessible.



1. Follow up.

2. Incentivize and acknowledge success.

3. Carry on and see it through.

4. Beware premature closure.

5. Ensure that the technology continues to be used.

6. Continue to explore new use cases for technologies that are already in use.


Looking at the results of the survey, it seems apparent that many workers view Industry 4.0 as just another fad or initiative that will be partially or poorly implemented and then forgotten about when problems arise, production slows, and targets are in danger of being missed.


In the past, front-line workers have often borne the brunt of inadequate communication regarding the decision-making process that will have a direct impact on them.

Training will be critical to ensure that workers understand the new technologies and are confident in their ability to use them.


Another concern that the survey reveals is the level of support they will receive. Reskilling and upskilling will be essential, but many workers will remain uncomfortable with the new tech until they have used it for a while. Demonstrating that technical help is readily available will go a long way towards dispelling their hesitations.




We recognize that getting ready for Industry 4.0 will be a challenge for clients. The complexity, cost, and timing need to be understood if your company is to remain competitive.


Our professionals at ASN are available to discuss these issues and help you plan for your future, as well as our own. Give us a call - we would love to talk.